Thursday, December 9, 2010

December Wow!

Hey, i´m way glad to hear you´re off caffeine! I bet it feels good to not have that hanging over your head now.

So brother stoddard finally got released? he´s been there forever it seems like, and for good reason Kaleb is sad. Brother stoddard is so awesome but i´m sure brother lindsay will be good too. is the whole ward getting changed up with the new bishopric or are the callings about the same?

Yeah it´s weird that Kaleb is graduating this year. What´s weirder is that the year is almost half over. It wasn´t that long ago that you were waiting to start the school year. It´s weird how fast the time is going. I bet Kyle felt that a lot in the mtc--at least I did. That´s cool he´ll be in Japan next monday...or is he in japan now? i don´t know when he sent that last email so maybe he´s in japan as I speak. that would be cool.

I´m still waiting for the christmas packages since they didn´t arrive today but maybe the president is bringing the bolsa with him tomorrow to the zone conference.

Today, we did an activity with the zone where we went to a hill called Campenario and we took pictures and stuff up top. It was an amazing view and i got some sweet pictures of a hawk up there but i´ll have to send them next week since the cyber i´m in doesn´t have very good computers.

Lucas is doing good. We´ve had some rough week the last couple weeks since it seems like all of our investigators are dropping off, telling us they don´t want us to come back. Including, three fechas we had don´t want us to come back and they are so cold to us they won´t answer our questions as to why they changed so quickly and stuff. I think someone talked to tell and convinced them to change their minds or told them some lies about the church, but what can you do? We´ve been trying to find some new investigators to teach and we´ve been having some good success.

Well, Christmas is coming up fast and then we´ll be talking over the phone. thanks for everything and I love ya.
