Monday, November 7, 2011

Great thanks! that is going to help us a bunch. Everyone here is super excited to try the turkey. Now we just have to find one at the store. Everyone says that turkey is too dry which i´m sure the brine would take care of but we´ll make do without it. I´ll let you know how it all turns out. The activity we´re going to have is on the 26th so right after Thanksgiving, it´s going to be a lot of fun
We´re going good here, it´s starting to get really hot which i´m ready for. I´m sure after a couple more months i´ll be praying for snow but i´m living it up right now. Today we wanted to go see the penguins that are close by here but we didn´t have any way to get there. We need to see if a member will take us because it´s like 3 hours from here in bus.
Well i´m trying to think of some stuff that happened this week to tell you about but there´s not much. me and my comp are having a great time still. The other day we talked in British accents the whole day just for fun. Then the next day we talked like we were talking with walkie talkies haha. it was dumb but we were cracking up.
Oh also i´ve been helping all the missionaries here in my zone to finish the visa stuff. So yeah I thought i would be done with that garbage when i finished my own but apparently not. I think I told you i´m the first one in the whole mission to finish the paperwork so now it´s my treat to help everyone else do it. The bright side is that this should ensure me another transfer here in Trelew because they need me to know what to do for the visas.
Other than that, I don´t have much news. I wanted to write letters to the hermanas that were in the MTC with me but now they´re both done with their missions and I realized I don´t have their addresses haha. Maybe a miracle will happen and they´ll read this and send me their address. That would be tight. Things are good though. We´re working hard to find new investigators so keep praying for us! Love you
elder newey