Monday, April 12, 2010

New Letter & Photos

Here is Hayden's latest letter (photos follow at the end)

I think I'll get to call you still on Mother's day. No one has talked about it yet so when i find out, i'll let you know. This week seemed like our first real week in the MTC because the first week, everything is hectic and you don't get a lot of work done. But now we're in a permanent schedule and we get the same teachers everyday.

Elder Taylor and I went to our first TRC (Training Resource Center) where you go and teach the first lesson to someone who is a convert to the church so they are playing as the investigator. First, we had to get to know them in spanish, and one of the guys we had to talk to was crazy. The other people we talked to in spanish slowed way down for us so we could understand them but the last guy was speaking as fast as he could and we could barely understand what he was saying. Then we were assigned someone to teach the first lesson to in english and it was just our luck that we got the hard one again. We tried to teach him but it seemed that everything we said was bouncing off his head and he kept trying to get us off track by throwing these insane questions at us. We actually did really well until we got to the restoration of the gospel. Let's just say that he handed it to us quite easily. I think he was enjoying himself as he watched us look for scriptures to back up what we were saying. Then we tried to get him to commit to read just one chapter of the Book of Mormon and he never gave us a straight answer. We were both really frustrated when we finally left. Then we talked to all of the other companionships and heard about how easy their investigator was and how they had committed them to read the enitre Book of Mormon, pray about it, and come to church that sunday. I was so mad, I didn't talk for the rest of the night. However, I humbled a bit over the weekedn and realized that we really got the best experience because it was what we will really be facing in the field. He taught us to be more prepared and to teach by the spirit rather than by our words. Before we had talked to him, we both thought we understood spanish so well and that we were the best freaking missionaries ever. How wrong we were. Next thursday we're going to try to get him again so we can kind of redeem ourselves.

Other than that, it's been kind of uneventful. Last night, we sang "God be with you till we meet again" in spanish because one of the districts in our zone is leaving tomorrow. That's the loudest i've ever sang a song in my life. There were only about twenty of us and we were so loud, it was just incredible. But yeah we sang the first three verses as loud as possible and then on the fourth verse, we sing reverently and quietly, and the spirit was so strong that almost all of us were crying. I can't wait until we're singing it for my district.

So yeah that's about it. Not a very exciting week, just learning spanish and such. Keep sending letters, it's the best part of the day besides gym time.

Oh and I desperately need a sports update from Kaleb. I've heard the Jazz have dropped to sixth and so I need some comfirmation on that.

I forgot to tell you about our progressing investigator. We each get to have one while we're here at the MTC. It's someone who you teach as if they were an actual investigator all the way up until baptism. We have our first lesson tomorrow at noon so that should be a lot of fun. Wish me luck.

I love you all. Kaleb, and Kessa, keep developing those testimonies, they're the most powerful tool you have to bring people unto Christ. If you haven't prayed about the Book of Mormon yet, make that your highest priority. It's one of the first commitments we try to get investigators to do so it is really important. Stay strong in the church, this truly is a marvelous work and a wonder. Letters are great. I love the packages. We never even eat the candy in them, but it's like christmas just to open them here. I'm almost out of time I have to go now.

Hayden and his companion, Elder Taylor

Back Row (L to R):
Elders Thorstenson, Thoelke, Adams, Brown, Newey, Taylor
Front Row (L to R):
Hermanas Elsey, Byam, Wynn, Stratton

Hayden's MTC Dorm Room


Sarah said...

Hayden's awesome! We're glad he's having such a great time in the MTC. Hopefully that will last the whole 8 weeks he's there.

Matt said...

Great letter. Sounds like he's having an incredible time in the MTC. Thanks for posting.