Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010 Email from Hayden

We hit our half way point this sunday. It's crazy how quickly it has gone by.

So every tuesday, we get to have a talk from a general authority, usually one from the seventy. This week, however, we started hearing rumors that it was going to be an apostle, and when Elder Taylor and I happened upon a program for the devotional, we found out who it was going to be. L. Tom Perry. By the time of the devotional, almost everyone knew an apostle was coming but only a few knew exactly who so it was almost a brawl to get a close seat. Elder Taylor and I had to abandon our district so we could have some sweet seats right in the middle, but it just had to be done. He spoke about the Book of Mormon and he was a lot more blunt and open then he normally is in conference. It was sweet though and aparently we're supposed to get four more in the upcoming weeks.

On another note, I'm really glad I got to participate in so many priesthood blessings before coming here. One of the hermanas needed a blessing and I was the only one who had ever sealed an annointing. It was good practice for the other elders but I just thought it was weird when they read the words off of a card.

On Wed. I think, Elder Taylor and I were messing around just being dumb and he tried to sneak into a building like a ninja. However, the door caught his shirt and wripped it all the way up his side. Everyone gave us the weirdest looks on our way back to our resident hall where he could change. Now we are drawing pictures and writing stuff on it. It's really funny.

We got a new district leader on Sunday and I was thankful when I wasn't called. The funny thing is that the branch president doesn't tell you you've been called until he announces it in sacrament so we were all scared about being called.

We had our first Mission Conference on sunday which is a two hour meeting where the entire mtc presidency speaks. President Smith got up and started calling us all out on different rules that he felt we weren't observing. The only one that applied to me was no writing letters on any day other than P-day. So in order to be obedient in all things, it looks like you'll only be getting emails from now only unless i'm sending home pictures or something.

Other than that, it's been about the same thing as the other weeks. The days are starting to mix together so I have to look in my journal before I write my emails to remind me about what happened. I had forgotten about L. Tom Perry even. It feels like he came three weeks ago.

Oh, I met some missionaries going to Bulgaria and they should still be here when Brady comes in. I don't think anyone told me what time Brady is coming in yet though. I could very well be hosting that day since our zone is losing two districts in the next week. I think it would be awesome to host him, even though it's really not that big of a deal. That's just what you start looking forward to in the MTC, Tuesday devotionals and new missionaries.

I really love all of the Dear Elder letters you have been sending. Did the jazz kick out the Nuggets, and if so, how are they doing against the Lakers? I really want to see some pictures of Reese with her cast on. Is she doing better, or has she rebroken her leg? It wouldn't surprise me.

But I'm still having a great time. I still have a great relationship with Elder Taylor, however, this week, there has been a little friction in our district. i was told it was bound to happen but I was just surprised when it really did. One of the elders, Elder Thoelke, completely freaked out at the hermanas. He's kind of a strange elder and you'll see why. The main reason he was mad at them is because they wouldn't let him take their dinner trays once or twice. That's about it. But he told them that they had all of the qualities that his older sister, who he hates, has. Then Hermana Byam started fighting back, and this was all at dinner so I was trying so hard not to laugh and then I looked at our zone leader and saw he was covering his mouth with his hands, trying not to laugh too. This made me laugh which brought attentino to both of us at which point he said "estoy aqui para ensenar y aprender y compartir my testimonio acerca de Jesucristo..." and he went on for a good thirty seconds just spouting off spanish. It was one of the funniest moments of my life because elder thoelke was so mad over such a small thing. I guess we're just starting to see people's true characters.

But anyway, have a good week and be safe everyone. I'll try to send home some pictures here soon but it's hard to find time in the day.

Love, elder Newey